zondag 19 juli 2009


Well it's been pretty quiet in my life on my front.

The future? Where we looking at, mate?

College, that's what I'm looking at. I'm going to do a Art@Design course, which will probably last 4 years and hopefully I'l get a shiny paper saying I have a associates degree in Webdesign orso.

No, no no, look further!
Probably a job, probably meet awesome playgrounders(I am so going to meet you, there is no escaping me! Bwahahahaha), hopefully meet somebody special(Or find meet somebody in real life and find out that the chemistry is there then too).
Get married? Wha?
Not the typical youngster ''Wha?'' either, the one which says ''Woah, I'm like, years and years away from that!''
I'm just not big on marriage itself. I, myself, wouldn't really need some government or religious position telling me that I love that woman(I'm heterosexual, nothing against LGBT* people), that I want to spend the rest of my life with that woman or till we both have changed so much that it won't work out anymore.
Though if she wants to, I'l agree, though when we're both ready.

Wait, what religion is DD?
Cookiemanjaric? What's that?

It's not one.
But you just said...

Well, it's complicated. On my time here on the nets, I've been roleplaying the cookiemonster a lot, for years now.
With that came development, most of it in my head, some of it typed out.
Cookiemonster worships a god called Cookiemanjaro, the god of cookies, milk, mind and to a lesser degree, chaos and food overal.
Well my characters gods never saw your character's god on any planes!
That's right, Cookiemanjaro resides in the center of the multiverse, dimensions and planes. He's surrounded by asteroid belts of giant cookie crumbles and milk which protect the center where he resides in a giant cookie. (Legend says that Death, your Friend the Reaper has visited)

Well this part is clearly fictional, but with the roleplaying, character development(I RP (cookiemonster) on other fora >.>) came a sense of feelings, guidelines and such, which I began to believe in in real life.

I had been raised within Christianity, but I had stopped going to church at age 9 orso, I can't exactly remember. So like many teenagers, that left me not being religious.
Well, I was on several fora with my brother. I don't remember how, but somehow he started Team Atheist(Having been raised with Christianity and growing out of it at 'young age' too.) I was tempted to join, several people did assume me to be a member, since on those fora, it was a specfic group of dutch people, of which there weren't that much dutch people there.
So Atheism? Nope, not the way to go for me. I do believe in science, evolution and that stuff...But...That left pretty empty.

(On a other topic, which I will talk about sometime later) evolution has been stopped by ourselves. )

I had been looking into other religions, but many of them looked scarily alike. Especially ones who were mass-practiced like Muslism(I'm pretty sure that's not the actual name of the religion, could somebody clear that up for me, please?), pretty much all kinds of christianity, Judaeism and such.

It was later, when I was developing my views of life and such, I discovered various things such as Ecclectic Wiccans, normal wiccans and those kinds of things.
But I myself, don't believe in magic and such. No problem with it if you do, a friend of mine is wiccan and he's a good buddy.

Not really my thing, though I do have to agree with the statement of Obscurevisions at 6:07

What? Oh noes! You have figured me out, I'm starting to link to other people so that maybe more people will come and read this utter crap.(Especially since I still haven't figured out how to switch my spell check from dutch to german here.)

So....That's my ''religion'' part fictual, part very real. Practiced soley by yours truly. I'm cookiemanjaric.

*For those not in the know of that acronym, it stands for Lesbians Gays Bisexuals and Transgender(When your gender in your brains is different then the one your body is)

I hope to see you all next update, where I'l probably will be talking about Darwinism, how humans stopped it and other things.

DD out.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello, got here throught GitP, hope you don't mind an old lady like myself following ;) - I still have a mental age of sixteen or thereabouts!

    Muslims are followers of Islam. I looked into it as a white, Scottish teenager after lapsing from Church of Scotland at a very early age. I'm a sort-of, kind-of Buddhist now, for what it's worth. (Not a good one... but I do try.)

    Iiiinteresting. You have a plan. That's good. I still haven't figured out what I want to be when I 'grow up'. :)

    Hellfie x

  2. Heya, Little Buddy. Nice to see you posting every now and again, and letting us non-cookie-ish folk know how you're doing. =)

    On the subject of religion, I tell folks I'm Jewish. I was how I was brought up, and I still sling Yiddish phrases now and again. )Yiddish being a hybrid language of German, Hebrew, and Slavik; it sounds German when spoken, but is actually written using Herbew letters.)

    My difficulty with almost *EVERY* organized religion is run much more like a business. More followers means more donations "to G-d." Yet G-d was never receiving any money...it would all go to the church. Religious leaders don't pray for food and it simply arrives; they have to actually go SHOPPING! They can't pray the temples will stay in working order; they need HUMANS for maintenance. G-d doesn't pay the bills; PEOPLE do.

    Despite my not being very religious, I still avoid spelling out His name. Mere mortals are not worthy to write His name out, and so I stick with "G-d" unless I'm writing something for publication. (Industry people may not be so understanding of one's religious beliefs.)

    The fact that religions are more along the lines of businesses was driven home to me when I was homeless and living on the streets of Long Island, smack in the middle of a NY winter, complete with snow storms and everything. I walked into a temple and explained that I was a nice Jewish boy that needed a lot of help, and wanted to know what they could do for me. The secretary wanted to know if I was a temple member. I said that I wasn't, and she replied that they could only really offer help to someone that belonged to the temple. In other words, if I paid $75 to become a temple member, I would get all the help I needed. Until then, I was out of luck. What the secretary refused to understand was that if I actually *HAD* $75, I wouldn't be there, looking for help.

    What's more, I have this need of a little more proof that G-d exists. Give me His mailing address so I can write to him, and I'll be a lot happier. And when it came to faith, my ex, Robin, had a great quote. "Go back in time and shoot video of Mary for a year, starting before she became pregnant, all the way to and after the birth of Jesus. If she NEVER has sex, but still has a child, I'd be more than happy to become a Christian."

    No...Over the years, I've been able to form my own beliefs and practices. One does not need a temple to worship. If there is a G-d, he or she can hear you just fine, wherever you are. I also discovered that Buddisim and the American Indians are more about spirituality, and not about being religious. These are things I latched on to and practiced without ever learning about them. And when Judgment Day arrives, I may well find myself standing before an array of incarnations of G-d, each one quizzing me on why I believe I deserve to enter the blissful version of the afterlife. With luck, I'll have satusfactory answers for all of them.

    Be well, Little Buddy. And may all of your cookies be blessed. =)
