zondag 7 juni 2009

Booo! Well....

If you're reading this. Good, thenk you.
Why are you not commenting? Comments make me write more. And more.
I'm just gonna keep this short, I've a depression coming up.
I got rejected from the college I wanted to get in most(first told that the course I wanted to get in most was full, then applied etc, got the interview, got rejected. Booo. Coupling that, academically, I've only known failure since I've done elementary, my brains are continiously telling me that I'm going to fail my exams.
Right now my throat is throbbing for now reason. And great, my stomach is aching.
Well this is DD logging off for the last time most likely.

Heck, I don't care if you flame or whatsover, any comments would be nice.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey, little buddy...Welcome to the world, where many people say no a lot more than they say yes. I'm starting to see that you become sickest when things aren't going your way; it seems to all be stress related. You really, REALLY need to get a handle on this. The alterantive is ending up with chronic, stress related illnesses, like your migraines, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and all kinds of other nastiness.

    Also, when you sent me the link to your blog, I suggested using the spell check. "Thenk you" is not "thAnk you." Use. The. Spell. Check! For you, it's more than correcting mistakes; it's teaching you the proper spelling of words.

    Also...as mentioned before, I don't know what buttons to click on your blog. They're not in English. When I post a comment, I'm guessing as to what's what. If you could at least tell me what button to click so I can follow your blog, that'd be great.

    And why do I want to follow? Because you're my little buddy, and I care. =)

  2. Yes, playing "Guess which button does what" is kinda fun. I just hope I don't hit the self destruct button! I'll try the bold one and hope that it works.

    You may want to edit the blog link in your gitp signature to go to the main page of the blog. It currently just goes to your first entry.

    I'll be reading, but I don't talk much.


  3. Just a quick response, the button to place a reaction is 'Reactie plaatsen'. I'l respond more later. Have to go now.
